We plan to stay open because we are committed to serving our community’s physical therapy needs! However, safety is still our number one priority and we want to ensure we are doing all we can to minimize our patients’ and our staff’s risk. If we have any employees not feeling well, they will not be coming into work. We appreciate your understanding through this process.
Stay safe and healthy!
-McNerney and Associates Staff
Thank you for choosing McNerney & Associates, P.A. to prove your therapy care. Our physical therapists specialize in the use of gentle manual techniques and use of specific exercises to help restore function in most orthopedic and spine-related conditions, as well as in those conditions that are associated with vertigo, balance deficits, and Fall Risk.
Please call our office before you visit to confirm that we participate with your insurance plan or decide if you wish to be treated out of network. We are participating providers with Medicare, All Carefirst products, Aetna, Cigna, Allegiance, EHO, PHCS, and most Tricare Plans.
Our treatment schedules fill quickly, so please plan to make follow-up visits at the time of your first visit, or prior to your first visit to get the days and times most convenient for you. We typically have our schedules open 6 weeks out. Initial appointments are one hours and follow-up appointments are 45 minutes.
If you need to cancel your appointment, please do so as soon as possible. We require 24 business hours prior to cancel an appointment. We are not open on weekends, so please call to cancel Monday appointments on Fridays. Failing to abide by the cancellation policy may results in a fee:
- $25.00 for follow-up missed appointments less than 24-hour notice
- $50.00 for initial appointment missed or cancelled less than 24-hour notice
For your first visit, arrive 10-15 minutes early to sign in. Please bring:
If you do not receive the paperwork from the website or via email, please contact our office at
410-740-1047 or arrive 30 minutes prior to your appointment to complete paperwork.
If you have an early morning or evening appointment, please allow ample time for travel through congestion that can occur.
Directions: From Rt. 29 in Howard County, take exit 21B West toward Clarksville. Get into right lane and drive a few hundred yards to the first signal light at Columbia Rd and turn right onto Columbia Rd. Pass through signal at Old Annapolis Road, and then turn right onto Dorsey Hall Drive. Travel 0.4 miles on Dorsey Hall Drive, to the Dorsey Hall Professional Park on the left. Turn left into the park and drive to the stop sign. Make a left and look for the building number 5024. Welcome!
Authorization for the Release of Medical Records
I hereby authorize and direct any and all insurance carriers providing benefits to me to pay directly to McNerney & Associates Physical Therapy (hereinafter referred to as “the therapists”) such sums as may be due and owing them for professional services and for treatment rendered me. I further authorize the therapists to submit a copy of authorization for payment to any and all insurance carriers which may be responsible for payment of such sums, including but not limited to cover for Personal Injury Protection (PIP), general medical coverage, Workers Compensation, and Medicare.
I fully understand that I am directly and personally responsible to the therapists for all the medical bills submitted by them with regard to treatment rendered. In the event that I directly receive any proceeds of any insurance policy including but not limited to proceeds from any claim under personal injury protection coverage, commercial insurance, or Medicare coverage. I agree to immediately make payments to the therapists upon receipt of such monies. I understand that this authorization and assignment in no way relives me of my personal primary obligation to pay the above stated services and that signing of this form does not prohibit customary billing by the therapists. I further understand that if my insurance coverage produces insufficient funds, I must pay personally for the above stated services, and in the event that there is a deductible or co-pay charge, it shall be my sole responsibility to pay these charges directly to the therapists. I also understand that any delay in making prompt payment to the therapists of monies received for such services may incur a service charge of 1 ½ % per month (18% annual percentage charge) on any unpaid balance more than 90 days delinquent.
Maryland state law requires that insurance companies process any properly submitted claim payment within 30 days. I understand that if the therapists have not received payment from my insurance company within 60 days on a properly submitted claim, the amount due on the outstanding claim shall immediately be due and payable to the therapists by my personally upon their request.
Further, I agree to make regular co-payments either on the day of treatment or at weekly intervals. Co-payment charges are those that are not covered by insurance policies and may include deductible amounts or payment for supplies. Co-payment is made at the front desk by cash, check, or credit card.
I understand that the state of limitations in the State of Maryland is 3 years from the services that were last performed. In view of this, I hereby agree that the statute with the respect to any claim or fees for services mentioned above with not being to run until there is a denial in writing by me of any balance claimed to be due and owing to the therapist by me.
If it should become necessary to turn this account over to collection agency for any attorney for non-payment, I will additionally be responsible for all reasonable court costs, collection fees, and attorney fees. My account will also begin to accrue a service charge of 1 ½ % (18% annual percentage) until such time as my account is paid in full. A copy or photocopy of this document shall be binding as an original.